We participated in the development of “VR SQUARE” contents for 5G LAB, SoftBank’s content delivery service. We collaborated to develop real-time stitching for 360° video and a real-time preview system for 180° stereo VR. The following link shows a list of our staff as VR engineers.
Opening to the public on May 9, 2020 BANDAI NAMCO Studios Inc. will be speaking at CEDEC 2020, September 2-4, 2020, in the regular session “The Art of Creating Highly Reliable HDRI”. The IDT profile (RICOH THETA Z1) created by Logoscope will be referenced and mentioned as part of the presentation by Masayuki Suzuki (Core […]

In the CGWORLD vol.262 (June 2020 issue) released on Saturday, May 9, 2020, in cooperation with CGSLAB, we provided an explanation of the ACES-compatible HDRI production flow using the RAW shooting-compatible “RICOH THETA Z1”. IDT Download Link for THETA Z1 In this feature, Logoscope has created an IDT (Input Device Transform) that approximates the RGB […]
『教育界のノーベル賞』と呼ばれるグローバルティーチャー賞をTOP10に日本人で初めて選出された、工学院大学附属中学・高校教諭の高橋一也先生(英語科)のもとで、『ドキュメンタリー映画作成ワークショップ』を開催しました。高橋先生の生徒たちは、会話レベルの英語スキルに加え、論証の基本を押さえ且つものづくりをやりこんだ深い視点からの質問ができる中高生たちでした。 映像を用いたストーリーテリング(映像監督)は、だれもがやりたい・できることではないけれど、監督が実現したいことをロジカルに解決することも映像制作の一つであるので、ぜひ、ワークショップに参加した中高生には、これから出会う様々な分野で、映像制作スキルを活かしてもらえると嬉しいです。

WORLD’S FIRST RIDE ProPILOT 2.0, the 360° video we were involved in, has been viewed over 3 million times on Youtube. Logoscope was responsible for the real-time stitching, compositing and post-production of the 360° video on location. https://www.facebook.com/NissanJP/posts/2447824385237727?comment_id=2448654958488003&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D 01-07/2019, 360° Video WORLD’S FIRST RIDE ProPILOT 2.0, VFX Producer: Yoshiaki Ishigaya (TTR Inc.), Contribution: Pre-visualization, Building […]

We created MASH CYCLE, a bike exercise that fuses entertainment with the five senses and your whole body. Logoscope produced and directed the content for High Frame Rates and Wide Vision. We also made a prototype of a heart rate sensor synchronization system. 06/2018-01/2019, JOYFIT Mash Cycle (HFR, Ultra-wide), Producer: Yoshifumi Mouri (rinproject.net), Contribution: Wide-vision […]
We participated in the creation of wide vision content for docomo FUTURE STATION, a 12K x 2K wide LED vision (SONY Crystal LED) that showcases the various advantages of 5G, the next generation of communications, such as high speed, high capacity and low latency. Logoscope provided technical direction for the live-action content for High Frame […]
NTT R&D Forum 2018 fencing match-watching expansion We participated in the production of powered by NTT Kirari! We participated in the creation of wide-vision content. Logoscope provided technical direction for High Frame Rates (120fps), High Resolution (8K) and Wide Vision live action content. Specifically, we performed multi-cam shooting and post-production of 12K wide vision. 11/2018, […]
We will be giving a presentation at the InterBEE2018 Cannon Seminar Program from Wednesday, November 14 – Friday, November 16, 2018 (1:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.). In the lecture, we will explain the basic knowledge necessary for HDR video production by comparing real-world brightness and HDR monitor brightness. InterBEE2018 Canon Seminar Program Presentation Slides(download)
制作に参加したTHE QUIET MANが発売されました

I participated in the production of the live-action sequence of THE QUIET MAN, which was planned and produced by SQUARE ENIX Takeo Fujinaga. At Logoscope, I was involved in the color pipeline where game sequences and live-action sequences switch seamlessly, as well as building the workflow for live-action sequences. 05-11/2018, The Quiet Man (video game), […]