Events News

Fujifilm Technical Center Opening Event:Practical Scene Linear Workflow with ACES Color Space and its Impact on Video and VFX Industry

The following presentation will be given at the Fujifilm Technical Center Opening Event on September 20, 2013. Seminar Title.Practical scene linear workflows using ACES color space and their impact on the video and VFX industry Seminar OverviewThe scene linear workflow based on the ACES standard of AMPAS is a universal video production technique that condenses […]


IIF-ACES Workflow using IS-100 and IS-mini: Camera Setting

We provide the construction of the scene-linear workflow based on ACES color space for VFX companies. In the process of the scene-linear workflow, we first remove the camera’s native gamma and convert it to ACES(scene-linear). In this case, it is important for the cinematographer and DIT(Digital Image Technician) to properly set the right camera setting. […]

News Publication

CGWORLD vol.176 “Scene Linear Workflow Basic Explanation” was supervised.

The April issue of CGWORLD vol.176 features the first 26-page special feature, “Basic Explanation of Scene Linear Workflow”. The content of this article is the construction method of a scene linear workflow based on the IIF-ACES standard, which we have been verifying since last summer.  Scene linear is digital data that is a physically accurate […]


Logoscope Ltd. was established.

  We are pleased to announce the establishment of Logoscope Ltd. The name of the company was chosen from the desire to pursue visual effects such as images with a logical view of the world. We combined logos and scope. Logoscope is engaged in workflow construction and consulting related to filming, editing, VFX, and screening […]